Monday, January 10, 2011

Elantris (published in 2005) - A fantasy novel by Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson is a an American Fantasy writer currently based in Utah. He has a degree in creative writing from Brigham Young University and is currently one of the most exciting science fiction writers around. Nominated for the prestigious John. W. Campbell Award for science fiction twice, he also served on the staff of Leading Edge, a semi-professional speculative fiction magazine. His first novel was Elantris which was well received followed by the “Mistborn” series which propelled him to great heights. His has since then established himself with the Alcatraz series and many short stories. Harriet McDougall, the widow of Robert Jordan to complete his famed “Wheel of Time” series. At present Sanderson lives in Provo, Utah and is an instructor at the Brigham Young University.
Elantris is a world of the god's chosen people. The transformation or the Shaod picks any one from the Arnelonian nation and makes them that magical being capable of healing and amazing supernatural powers. The Elantrian's have misty white hair and the power of the AonDor makes them shine with a luminescence of the celestial bodies. The very stones of Elantris would glow, making it the true city of the gods. The 5 cities, the largest among them being Kae, around Elantris flourished under its patronage. Elantrian's never were concerned about being the revered deities and encouraged all forms of worship, especially the peaceful sect of Shu-Korath.

The books opens with the darkness where Elantris was destroyed and the Elantrians confined to its dark ghost like walls as mere corpses who would not be blessed even with the release of death. The now dreaded Shaod which makes a living man wretched, inflames and increases every pain and injury. To this world of the living dead, the much popular Raoden, the prince of Kae is thrown in as the Shaod comes up on him. His father, Iaodon masks his condition by declaring him dead and holding a funeral. Raoden's political bride Princess Sarene of Teod arrive and the marital contract binds her to the imperial household as a daughter. Sarene, a strong willed women senses something amiss about the sudden disappearance of the prince and starts to investigate the royal household and the tumultuous political situation of Kae. After the collapse of Elantris Kae has been in political turmoil for a decade with the mercenary merchants gripping the political favors with their money. The peasants and others suffer the yoke of slavery and poverty, creating a a class with simmering rage.
Compounding the troubles for Kae, the Shu-Dereth sect controlling the east under the despot Wyrn Wulfand sends in the Drakhor Monk Hrathen with a ultimatum, convert and surrender to the Shu-Dereth religion or face annihilation. Arnelon and Teod are the two nations resisting the tyrannical rule of the Wyrn and Sarene faces the complex situation of finding allies to withstand Iaodon and Hrathen. Slowly but surely she finds friends of Raoden and her kinsman who help her thwart the evil designs of Hrathen. Raoden on the other hand immerses himself in to the redemption of the Elantrians. He learns the ancient power which binds the Aons and the land and brings the living dead of the Elantris to fight their condition.
Hrathen and Sarene strive to outsmart each other, ultimately their purpose is to unite with Raoden. The book pulsates with the raw energy of its characters and is definitely a page turner. The book is a visual treat as Bryan Sanderson brings the images alive as a motion picture. You can feel the wretchedness of doom and the triumph of battle in every word. Sometimes you do feel Raoden having it too easy and Sarene, being the stereotypical strong but beautiful woman by his side, but the strength of the idea and pace of the novel makes it a best seller.

Elantris (published in 2005) - A fantasy novel by Brandon Sanderson

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